• Bridging the Communication Chasm: Connecting Executives and Operational Teams

    Bridging the Communication Chasm: Connecting Executives and Operational Teams

    Regardless of the industry, or even the people and technology in play, effective communication is the secret sauce that can make or break any organization. But let’s face it: bridging the gap between the executive suite and the operational frontlines is often easier said than done. As successful executives, we’ve seen firsthand how miscommunication can…

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  • Why is Budget Buy-In Important?

    Why is Budget Buy-In Important?

    The budgeting process is a time consuming and tedious task that can become burdensome to an organization.  The frustration doesn’t always stop after the completion of the budget as consistent budget overruns and a lack of ownership may take hold.  This is where focusing on Budget Buy-in can remedy some of these issues and hopefully…

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  • Applying Success to Healthcare: A Call to Action for Healthcare Executives

    Applying Success to Healthcare: A Call to Action for Healthcare Executives

    In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, the need for innovative leadership has never been more crucial. Consider the journey of Jason Huang, founder of NVIDIA. Since its founding in 1993 and public offering in 1999, NVIDIA has skyrocketed to a market value exceeding $3 trillion, up from $1 trillion just a year ago. Today, it…

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  • Leveraging Insights to Improve Efficiency in Hospitals

    Leveraging Insights to Improve Efficiency in Hospitals

    ASHP’s recent customer research reveals a pressing reality: 76% of healthcare professionals feel the pressure to enhance service levels, while 24% report a decreased ability to serve patients. This disparity highlights a significant challenge facing hospitals today, compounded by ongoing staffing shortages that hinder the delivery of even basic services. Identifying Inefficiencies One effective strategy…

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  • Understanding Healthcare Costs and What Executives Can Do About It

    Understanding Healthcare Costs and What Executives Can Do About It

    The United States faces a significant challenge in healthcare spending. While we allocate more resources per person compared to other wealthy nations, the outcomes do not reflect this investment. In 2022, U.S. health spending surged by 4.1%, reaching $4.5 trillion, or approximately $13,493 per capita. This growth rate mirrors the pre-pandemic levels, highlighting a persistent…

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  • On-Demand Fractional Executives: The Distant Shore

    On-Demand Fractional Executives: The Distant Shore

    Growing businesses experiencing success in their own markets may turn an eye towards markets overseas. This has been the case through millenia and global expansion continues as “business as usual”. The economic conditions that encourage global expansion may ebb and flow, but the need to grow is still the motivating force behind eyeing off-shore markets. …

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  • The Future of Work Is Now: Embracing Fractional Executive Talent in the Tech Industry

    The Future of Work Is Now: Embracing Fractional Executive Talent in the Tech Industry

    In the dynamic business landscape of today, the need for flexible and cost-effective leadership solutions is increasingly evident. The concept of fractional C-Suite services has emerged as an innovative approach to executive leadership, offering immense value to tech businesses. This article aims to explore the details of fractional C-Suite services, or as we call it…

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  • Leveraging Infinite CXO Flexible Executives for Exponential Growth in Tech Companies

    Leveraging Infinite CXO Flexible Executives for Exponential Growth in Tech Companies

    Maintaining a competitive edge in the world of technology demands both innovation and strategic insight. As tech companies expand and evolve, scaling leadership to align with their ambitious goals becomes a significant challenge. Fractional and Interim executives offer a compelling solution, providing the expertise needed to navigate these complexities and drive accelerated growth. What Are…

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  • Navigating the Tech Maze: How to Choose the Right Technology Solutions for Your Business

    Navigating the Tech Maze: How to Choose the Right Technology Solutions for Your Business

    Standing at the helm of your company, you’re faced with a vast ocean of technology solutions, each promising to transform your business into a digital powerhouse. It’s exciting but also overwhelming. There is a solution in this thrilling journey of tech selection. The Art of Self-Discovery: Understanding Your Business DNA Before setting sail, it’s crucial…

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  • How AE Firms Can Leverage Flexible Executives to Accelerate Success

    How AE Firms Can Leverage Flexible Executives to Accelerate Success

    Time is the ultimate equalizer. Every individual, from the CEO to the intern, has the same 24 hours each day to accomplish their tasks. So, why do some leaders consistently achieve more? The answer lies in their ability to prioritize tasks with the highest value and delegate the rest. For project managers with seasoned teams,…

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